On May 27th, 2021, Bukit Vista successfully held the fifteenth series of BV E-Talk together with co-hosts from PPI HK, KSEP ITB, and BEM FEB UGM on “Growth Marketing 101: What You Need to Know”. Bukit Vista specifically invited professional speakers from Vloggi, David Taylor-Smith, and Sten Ivan from HodInaut to share their experiences and knowledge in the field of Digital Marketing which has been growing during the Covid-19.
In the world of marketing, the most important thing is to understand the trends that are happening around our target consumers. To improve the performance of any business, David emphasized that outreach to clients directly becomes a big determinant in which data from people’s expectations to satisfy their desires are helping to improve the company’s innovation for the better. With the help of digital media, information acceleration can help find the right place and time where customers need you. Google search, Twitter trending’s, Instagram hashtags, or Telegram groups are some of the channels available and one must be able to take advantage of these existing tools. Put products and services on the web that have been prioritized on target, and it will tell in detail who is attracted to the company.
Sten, who has been known for his content writing and marketing skills, also shared his understanding in this matter. In maintaining and increasing sales, there are some companies who need to spend a lot of money to rent billboards and put up various advertising posters on the highway. However, increasing traffic in such a way to foster business development will not help much if the type of business is not put in the right place and does not attract passers-by. By spending a little capital, Digital Marketing is able to increase business opportunities to shine. Sten’s important point is that compared to normal marketing, vlogs create content that makes sure people want to read and watch.
During the E-Talk, the participants were also actively involved in sending topics they wanted to know to discuss during the question and answer session. For more complete insights from David Taylor-Smith and Sten Ivan’s discussion, please watch the full session here!

Bukit Vista as a startup company engaged in property management with 150+ based in Bali, Yogyakarta and Nusa Penida is currently opening long-distance remote internship and full-time vacancies for positions in Digital Marketing, Content Creator, Marketing and Business Development, and many more. Register directly on our job landing page and have a professional and enjoyable work experience! We hope this BV E-Talk series can inspire you and see you at the next BV E-Talk!